Geranium Essential Oil - ORGANIC
Geranium is an excellent balancing and uplifting oil with a delightful, fresh, green, rose-like scent. It is a great essential oil for all-round use and is especially popular with women.
Approved by the Soil Association.
Country of Origin: Egypt.
Plant Family: Geraniaceae.
Method of Extraction: The oil is steam distilled from from the plant's leaves.
Oil Appearance: Clear to light green.
Although Geranium Bourbon, which comes from the island of La Reunion (previously known as Ile de Bourbon), 500 miles east of Madagascar, is considered to be a superior quality oil, many prefer the lighter more subtle aroma of Egyptian Geranium. The species is the same, it is the growing conditions which make the difference between the two types.
It is deodorising, cleansing and uplifting as well as having quite good insect-repellent properties.
Try blending 1 drop of Geranium with 2 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Mandarin in a teaspoon of Sweet Almond oil for use as a relaxing, refreshing bath or massage oil.
Alternatively, blend the same oils with two teaspoons of Peach Kernel oil for a special hydrating body moisturiser with a delicious aroma. In a diffuser or burner, Geranium blends very well with the citrus oils.
After a long haul flight, try blending together 2 drops of Geranium, 1 Drop each of Juniper and Lavender in 10 ml of Peach Kernel; massage in to the ankles to encourage